升级 iOS 12 之后,使用 Xcode 9 真机调试会提示错误:
Could not locate device support files.
This iPhone 6 Plus is running iOS 12.0 (16A366), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.
这是因为 Xcode 9 默认没有自带 iOS 12 的调试包,下载调试包,然后重新打开 Xcode 就可以了。 已包含最新的 14.0 版 iOS 14.0 iOS 13.6 iOS 13.5 iOS 13.4 iOS 13.3 iOS 13.2 iOS 13.1 iOS 13.0 iOS 12.4 iOS 12.3
iOS 12.2 (16E5181e)
iOS 12.1 (16B92)
iOS 12.1 (16B91)
iOS 12.1 (16B5068g) beta2
iOS 12.1 (16B5059d) beta1 打开 Finder,按下 command + shift + G,输入 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport,将文件解压到这个目录,如图: